EPISODE #002 Your business is bigger than you

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Your Business is Bigger Than You!! Your message matters and you shouldn’t feel bad about charging for it either. Your competition is going to be charging regardless and can you trust them to deliver the same value you can? YOU’RE AMAZING. When you identify the importance of your business’ message not only will customers flock to you but you will feel energized everyday to serve them.

Let’s talk charging your clients first. You not only deserve to be paid because of how much your content and talents help your clients but also because you need to love yourself. Listen, I struggled with this for a loooooong time so I get it. I’m speaking here from experience that is essential for you to charge people for what you do. Like Russell Brunson always says, “those who pay, pay attention”. So when we take a hard look at how we’re serving our people, we’re not unless we’re helping them make that investment in themselves. In this world people are going to be sold to by people who are snakes, by people who take advantage, and those who don’t have their best interest at heart.” OR they can be sold to by people who are honest and truly want to make their lives better. WE NEED TO SELL TO THEM.

I’m incredibly passionate about this BECAUSE I’ve experienced it all firsthand and I don’t want you all to struggle through it as much as I had to.

If you want to have success, well you need to have an impact. The only way to truly reach that level of success you envision in your mind is to give your customers a reason to be with you. Somebody told me this years ago and it really stuck with me just because of how true it is, “You reach people when you give them something or a place to reach to.” Do you understand what that truly means? If you do it will make you not only wealthy but also impactful, if you don’t understand it then make sure to take notes on this.

That WHY is more crucial than the WHAT you sell. When your clients are buying for a purpose and are “reaching” for something with using your services and expertise then they’ll stay with you because they have a reason to be there. Do you think my customers stay with me because I’m the first coach in my niche? Is that why you came here? No, the coaching niche is saturated with competition so I had to carve out my niche and establish my purpose. Most of my clients found with me and have stayed with me because with me they don’t just make more money but achieve a new level of alignment with their business and life. Though I’m sure my adorable kids I post about also helps as well.

Your WHY is constantly changing, everyone’s is. So when you’re trying to nail down exactly what it is your purpose is in your niche is just relax and remember your WHY will inevitably change. As for right now, your purpose can be found out with these simple questions I ask myself everyday:

  1. What is my purpose?

  2. Why am I here?

  3. What am I called to do?

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Seem too simple? Well my friend I’m sorry to break it to you, it is. When you constantly are asking yourself these questions though something magical happens: YOUR WHY GETS DEEPER. You start to go from “I want to help entrepreneurs to succeed” to “I need to help mother entrepreneurs scale their coaching businesses” to “I NEED to help mother entrepreneurs scale their coaching business BECAUSE it was something I wish somebody would’ve done for (insert personal reason here).”

Now remember that it will take some time to get here. That moment of clarity in why you’re acting and serving is something that some people will struggle to get to their entire life. Until you get there though PLEASE, and I truly mean this from the center of my heart and hundreds of mistakes, take that necessary imperfect action. This podcast was made purely off that, just steps taken one after another of uncertainty in if it’s “perfect” but knowing it was something that I needed to do.

When you achieve that Purpose in WHY you work, never forget the one. While the scaling of our business and outreach to this world is of the utmost importance, when we lose sight of this we lose customers. As you move about your business journey the answers to this will evolve as you evolve overtime. You are ever changing and improving, so are the people you help. As you move to new progressive levels the people you help will be just behind you. As you grow the people you are helping will have to grow as well. It’s pretty cool how it works.